Committee Lead - Barry Traub

The NOA is developing a legislative agenda and strategy. Engaging with the firm MultiState and multiple franchise associations, we will develop relationships with lobbyists, as well as legislatures, and create grass root tactics to support Owners/Franchisees.


Message To Members


For those of you who don’t know me, my name is Barry Traub. I am a 41 year First Gen Owner in North Carolina and a member of the NOA Board of Directors (Board Secretary). I have been appointed to chair a very important NOA Committee, the Legislative Engagement Committee. This committee is vital to our efforts to ensure our profitability and protect our equity in the face of growing governmental intervention.


We must begin to build our own coalition of supporters to defeat the anti-franchisee legislation that is starting to populate. We will need to educate Owners on the imminent threat of AB257-type legislation and seek their support. This support could be financially, and/or locally on a grassroots, in-person basis to influence legislators that they may know. There are currently two dozen states considering franchisee legislation regarding employer mandates. If successful, more are likely to follow.


The entire NOA leadership, this committee and I, with you, are charged with advancing the NOA’s Legislative Engagement Area Of Focus. In a time when we are facing significant challenges from inside and outside the system, your Legislative Engagement Committee is working to be your eyes, ears, and voice. Now more than ever we need each other to be the voice and community which advances the NOA Mission:


Through our focused efforts in Advocacy, Legislative Engagement, Leadership Development, NextGen Guidance and Registered Applicant Support, the National Owners Association (NOA) will be stewards of the McFamily and provide a voice for every Owner/Franchisee to ensure long-term financial viability of all stakeholders.


As we move forward together we expect to:



Associate with each other, "Owners-Serving-Owners" and Be United - “You Are Not Alone”; providing opportunities for virtual and in-person education about legislative or legal issues of concern.



Call attention to the critical issues facing NOA members: Financial, Franchising and Relationship, timelines, and other anti-business initiatives.



To Lead With Integrity & Courage, and Be Honest, Transparent & Respectful, and provide counsel for strategy, engagement, and 3rd-party partnerships.



Act as a community, to Embrace & Assertively Advocate For McFamily, and Honor The 3-Legged Stool, including messaging, coalition activity and direct lobbying by NOA members.

It's a heavy load, but there is so much to protect! Thank you for entrusting me and the NOA leadership with the awesome duty of working for and with you.
Together we win.


Get Involved

The best way to get involved is by connecting with your federal and state representatives by finding them in the below links: